Third Graders Attend Trout Release Day

Third Graders Attend Trout Release Day
Posted on 05/15/2019
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Throughout the school year, third grade students in Mrs. Cramer’s science class raised and learned about Pennsylvania’s official state fish, the Brook Trout, as part of the Trout in the Classroom Project. The yearlong learning experience culminated with a trout release day on Thursday, May 9. 

All third grade students rotated through five stations. In Mrs. Cramer’s station, the students explored the similarities and differences between the natural habitat and the man-made habitat in the classroom. They also discussed the life cycle of the trout with many of the stages observed throughout the school year. Students had the opportunity to take one final look at the trout. Township Supervisor Walt Sackinsky was on hand to discuss how Peters Creek is stocked and maintained so students and their families may enjoy it. Other stations included a discussion with Waterways Conservation Officer Michael Johnson about ways to protect nature. Students participated in a hands-on, fly-fishing demonstration by South Park Middle School teacher Brian Duggan. Also, Tim Schumann from the Peters Creek Watershed Association taught students about water quality and stream insects specific to Peters Creek.  He had numerous samples of those insects for students to view and discuss.  The students were able to go on a wetland walk with Boy Scouts Troop Leader Melissa Medved. Students observed and discussed creatures and plants in that particular habitat. To conclude the experience, the students watched as more than 100 Brook Trout were released into Peters Creek. 

Mrs. Cramer’s classroom’s participation in the Trout in the Classroom program was made possible through a unique partnership between the PA Fish and Boat Commission and the PA Council of Trout Unlimited. This partnership, coupled with assistance from local conservation organizations, was created to introduce Pennsylvania students to cold water resources and their importance to all communities. The partnership also provides brook trout eggs, trout food, technical assistance, curriculum connections and teacher workshops each year.

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