Preliminary Transportation Assignments Emailed

Preliminary Transportation Assignments Emailed
Posted on 08/17/2021
This is the image for the news article titled Preliminary Transportation Assignments EmailedPreliminary transportation assignments were emailed to district families at 11 a.m. on Monday, August 16. If you didn't receive a preliminary assignment, please contact your child's school office.

Please note, this is the preliminary assignment. Once the period for change requests closes later this week, the South Park School District will email final, first-day transportation assignments to all families no later than Friday, August 20, 2021. 

Please carefully review your child’s transportation assignment. If you need to make a change to this assignment, you must complete this online change request form. Change requests will only be accepted via the online form this year. All change requests must be submitted no later than 10 a.m. on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 for the change to be in effect on the first day of school. Change requests received after 10 a.m. on August 18 will not be in effect until early-September. 

Please note:

While we do not anticipate major changes to your child’s transportation assignment from this preliminary letter, there may be slight changes to pick-up and drop-off times, as well as limited bus number changes.

All individuals who ride district buses must properly wear a mask, per the order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

South Park School District procedures require an authorized adult to accompany kindergarten students to and from the bus stop. If an adult is not present to meet a kindergarten student at the dismissal bus stop, the child will be transported back to school where a parent or guardian will need to sign out the child.

High school students who attend Steel Center will be assigned to either bus 513 or 514 in the afternoon. Both buses will return to South Park High School by approximately 3 p.m. before continuing on their routes.

Most routes will return to pre-pandemic capacity levels with up to three elementary center students per seat and two middle and high school students per seat. Siblings must sit together.

Receiving this letter does not supersede district enrollment requirements. Families of new students must complete all enrollment requirements before their children can report to school.

The district upgraded its transportation software this summer which may have caused your child to be assigned an approved stop different than previous years. If this occurs, please complete an online change form, and note what the approved stop should be.

If you have questions, please email [email protected].
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