EC & MS Instructional Update - November 20

EC & MS Instructional Update - November 20
Posted on 11/20/2020
This is the image for the news article titled EC & MS Instructional Update - November 20This information was shared with elementary center and middle school families on November 20.

With the current number of confirmed, positive COVID-19 cases at South Park High School and a number of high school students and staff in quarantine, South Park High School ONLY will remain in a remote instructional model through Friday, December 4. At this time, we intend to keep South Park Elementary Center and South Park Middle School in the hybrid instructional model next week and after the fall break. This, however, is subject to change. We must take into consideration the number of COVID-19 cases in the district, community and county; the impacts – educational, health, and social/emotional – on our students; the ability of the district to staff classrooms and positions; and the guidelines and recommendations from state and county health officials when determining possible changes to our instructional model at a school building or throughout the district.

Should a change in our instructional model at the elementary center and/or middle school be necessary, families will be notified as quickly as possible. We encourage elementary center and middle school families to develop contingency plans now should the district need to move either school or both schools to full remote learning in the coming days and/or weeks.

The hybrid calendar for November-December can be found by clicking here.

If your child or an immediate family member tests positive for COVID-19 or if your child is told to quarantine, please contact your school nurse as soon as possible.

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