2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration Now Open

2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration Now Open
Posted on 02/07/2022
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The South Park School District has now opened kindergarten registration for the 2022-2023 school year. All of the important information about this mostly online process and details about upcoming kindergarten registration in-person events can be found on the kindergarten registration website, which you can access by clicking here. It can also be found under the Parents tab on the district’s website and the elementary center’s website.

The first step for parents/guardians to complete the enrollment process through the PowerSchool Enrollment Portal. If you do not have internet access, you may pick up a hard-copy of the enrollment packet at South Park Elementary Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on school days beginning on Wednesday, February 9.

Once you submit the online registration, you will find a link on the confirmation page to schedule your child’s Kindergarten screening appointment on Friday, May 13. The Kindergarten screening assessment is a simple, 10-15 minute assessment to check basic Kindergarten readiness. Skills such as letter and number identification, rhyming, counting, saying the alphabet and shape identification may be some of the basic skills students may have before entering Kindergarten. On the day of your child’s screening appointment, please arrive 5-10 minutes early. On May 13, you will also be able to explore our Kindergarten Discovery Fair where you can learn more about programs at South Park Elementary Center, transportation, food services, and more! If you would like to schedule your child’s appointment by phone, call (412) 655-3111, extension 1002.

Throughout the online registration process, families will be prompted to download, print and complete the required, additional documents necessary to enroll their child in Kindergarten. Those required forms can also be found in the Kindergarten Registration Home & Health packet available on the Kindergarten registration website. We ask that you bring as many of those forms to the elementary center on the day of your child’s screening appointment. An elementary center staff member will review these documents with you while your child is taking part in the screening. You may also bring the completed forms and documents to the elementary center office at your earliest convenience. Dropoffs can be made between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on school days or from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday-Thursday during the summer. Those forms include:

South Park School District Health History Form

School Physical Examination of School-Age Student Form

Private Dentist Report of Dental Examination
Allegheny County Health Department Lead Testing Record
Affidavit of Residency
2022-2023 Transportation Form

The district also requires a copy of a child’s birth certificate and two (2) proofs of residency (ex. driver’s license, utility bill, rental agreement). Please provide these to the elementary center office.

Students are also required to have the proper immunizations as set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Allegheny County Health Department. When registering your child, you must provide a copy of your child's immunizations to the school office. No student's registration can be completed without documentation of the proper immunizations.

The following immunizations are required for entering kindergarten:

4 doses of DTP (1 dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
4 doses of Polio (1 dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
2 doses MMR (1st dose must be on or after 1st birthday)
3 doses of Hepatitis B
2 doses of Varicella (1st dose must be on or after 1st birthday) or a written statement from a physician indicating month and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity

If you have questions about the online enrollment process, call (412) 655-3111, extension 1002. All other kindergarten registration questions may be directed to South Park Elementary Center.


Friday, May 13, 2022: Kindergarten Screenings & Discovery Fair: During your child’s screening, a South Park Elementary Center or South Park School District staff member will be available to meet with you individually and review your completed registration forms and documents and answer any questions you may have. You will also be able to explore our Kindergarten Discovery Fair where you can learn more about programs at South Park Elementary Center, transportation, food services, and more!

Wednesday, August 10 at 9:30 a.m.: Kindergarten Orientation at South Park Elementary Center. At this event, families will learn more about the typical school day for Kindergarten students, learn about important procedures at South Park Elementary Center, meet some of the Kindergarten teachers, and tour the Kindergarten classrooms!

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