District Placed on the AP District Honor Roll

District Placed on the AP District Honor Roll
Posted on 12/09/2019
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The South Park School District has been placed on the College Board’s 10th annual AP District Honor Roll. 250 school districts in the United States and Canada received the honor. Districts recognized on the AP District Honor Roll had to, since 2017, increase the number of students participating in AP while also increasing or maintaining the percentage of students earning AP Exam scores of 3 or higher. Achieving these marks shows that districts are successfully identifying motivated, academically prepared students who are ready for AP.

South Park High School currently offers ten AP courses including AP Chemistry, AP Physics I, AP Biology, AP US History, AP European History, AP Language and Composition, AP Literature and Composition, AP Calculus, AP Economics and AP Computer Science.

For inclusion on the 10th Annual AP District Honor Roll, districts must meet the following criteria:

  • Increase participation/access to AP by at least 4% in large districts, at least 6% in medium districts, and at least 11% in small districts;

  • Increase or maintain the percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students taking exams and increase or maintain the percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students scoring 3+ on at least one AP Exam; and

  • Improve or maintain performance levels when comparing the 2019 percentage of students scoring a 3 or higher to the 2017 percentage, unless the district has already attained a performance level at which more than 70% of its AP students earn a 3 or higher.

“In recent years, South Park High School administrators and faculty have focused considerable attention and resources to expanding our AP course offerings,” said South Park School District superintendent Wayne Gdovic. “This recognition by College Board underscores their efforts to provide rigorous and advantageous opportunities to South Park students.”

This is the fifth time the South Park School District has been named to the AP District Honor Roll.

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